
Artist Training

Academy & Orchestras

Artist training is at the heart of the Verbier Festival’s DNA. The Festival’s Academy and Orchestra Programmes have been a career launchpad for many of today’s most sought-after soloists, chamber ensembles, singers, orchestral players and conductors.

Training of pianists, violinists, violists, cellists, chamber ensembles and singers, plus internships for recording engineers

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Training of orchestra players aged 15 to 28 and mentorship opportunities for conductors aged 25 to 35

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Success Stories

For more than 30 years, the Verbier Festival has nurtured an entire generation of young artists.
Meet some of our greatest ambassadors.

support a student

With a donation of CHF 3,500, you can provide a scholarship to cover a quarter of the costs to train an Academy or Orchestra programme student and become a Friend of the Verbier Festival.

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house a student

Each summer, life-long friendships are formed between Academy students and Verbier homeowners. Hosts become members of The Friends of the Verbier Festival.

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